
Throughout my career in business, I have observed the importance of efficiency & effectiveness in the work place. These observations led me to look at things through the glasses “What’s missing, if it were there, would allow sometime to be more efficient and effective.” Wearing those glasses led me to develop processes and procedures to maximize efficiencies while maintaining maximum effectiveness. Some other those processes and procedures included writing computer programs and developing sophisticated macro-enabled (VBA) Excel workbooks.

This website is designed to discuss those observations about the concepts involved in making the work environment more efficient and effective place. I will discuss those processes I developed to create a more efficient and effective work environment for myself and my coworkers. My hope is to convey my lessons & experiences to you, however, my real desire is to engage you in the conversation of what efficiency & effectiveness is to an extent that you will carryon this conversation into the future and develop your own processes to maximum efficiencies & effectiveness into the future. And of course, pass your experiences onto your coworkers and the next generation.